I love this sweater. I designed it right after learning about (and then having to own everything she has ever written) Elizabeth Zimmermann. It was my first lesson in steeking and I loved every second of the construction of this easy, dropped shoulder cabled design. I remember knitting it during the winter Olympics and it was cold and snowy outside.
I love this sweater. It is the warmest garment I own and I wear it all the time. I used to wear it all fancy smanshy with cool jeans, boots and a turtleneck.... then I lost a button and I would wear it over my jammies driving the kids to school, and around the house. As you can see... I also eat with it on (and.....from the looks of the poor dear, I am a messy eater) get the mail with it on, cook with it on.... you get the picture.

After my wonderful trip to Ireland and searching hi and low in Dublin for a shop that had yarn or those sweaters everyone has in their closet that smells like sheep that they don't wear, but their aunt's sister's cousin went and brought it back.... wait I'm getting off topic. Oh yes, I couldn't find a shop - the only thing I found was a store in the airport as we were leaving and the prices were crazy pants... plus, I could make one! Wait! I already have made one.... my lovely warmest sweater ever missing a button with kung pow chicken caked on the buttonband.

I am going to fix her up. Tighten up the neck and clean her.... find that button and sew it on....
I'll show you my tricks along the way.