Monday, March 15, 2010

Wet Morning

Wow, did we ever have a storm this weekend!! It rained so much I couldn't believe how much flooding happened around here. We are nice and dry and spent most of the weekend inside. I didn't do much knitting/crochet, but I did finish up two projects I had in the works. Right now they are soaking - along with the rest of us in this area! I took some pre-blocking photos, they aren't the greatest since it is still so dark here, but here they are:

New Liesl this time short sleeved with plain body. I am teaching a class at Knitknack on this design, how to make it into a pullover. It really is such a beautiful design, so many ways to make it. Here is the Ravelry link to see other versions. My current version is in Lana Bambu by Cascade Yarns.... it's a wool/bamboo mix and it feels wonderful to knit with.

This is a quick free pattern shawl that I tried out using Handmaiden's sea silk which was great to crochet with.

I am soaking my pieces in this delicious smelling wool wash. I love the smell!

Last night was my turn for Family Dinner and I made a huge pot of Spaghetti sauce. Our niece came home for spring break with her boyfriend (brave boy) and we had a great evening. Nice boy, looks you in the eye when he speaks to you - firm hand shake... qualities I am teaching my children. I snapped this picture right before dinner.... looks like a Verizon many bars... you get the gist....(wait, is gist a word?)

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Dinner looked yummy...and I might add...the few "tastes" i stole..were good! Cute couple too!!